Ronald Chapman II Ronald Chapman II

Prosecutors Don’t Need Law Licenses and Other Fun Things I Learned in Arkansas

A prosecutor who lacks a law license, a jury that does its own research, strict liability for doctors who issue prescriptions and a crime without a harm. This is our current system of justice its getting more perverse every day. This is the unfortunate case of a physician prosecuted after a successful FOIA attempt against a prosecutor who escaped justice for practicing without a license.

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Ronald Chapman II Ronald Chapman II

SCOTUS Petition Takes Aim at Ambiguous Federal Opioid RX Laws

Physician petitions the Supreme Court challenging the ambiguous standards of the Controlled Substances Act 841. This pivotal case impacts physicians prescribing opioids, addressing circuit splits and evolving legal interpretations crucial to medical practice and patient care.

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Ronald Chapman II Ronald Chapman II

United States v Talbot: A Veteran of Creative Suffering

Dr. Adrian Talbot, a 100% service connected disabled vet with dementia was jailed after a conviction for unlawful distribution of controlled substances. He was a suboxone provider beloved by many and suffered from dementia rendering him not ompentent to stand trial according to experts.

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Ronald Chapman II Ronald Chapman II

SCOTUS Sides with Physicians in Opiate Opinion - Ruan v. United States

In the unanimous Supreme Court decision, Ruan v. United States, the Supreme Court struck down the application of objective standards as a vehicle for opioid prosecutions against physicians accused of unlawful prescribing. The Supreme Court paves the way for a more tailored approach to measuring physician conduct.

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